Paleo Gluten Free

Salted Caramel Cashew Butter Fudge

Creamy 3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make!

3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.
3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.

Cashew butta fudge is life. Seriously, I had no idea how addicting this stuff was going to be when I was making it. Like, you will want to keep going back to the freezer… ya know, just for one tiny tiny bite. Again. And again. And again. But that’s okay, because it’s loaded with healthy fats..

3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.
Cashew Fudge, caramel style.

This three ingredient fudge is SO easy that it can even be made with only two ingredients fudge! And with that sprinkle of sea salt flakes on top, there is no way that it’s going to last all week in your freezer! Biting into one of these, you get that “chewy pull” of gooey goodness, just like with caramel! Yum. Did I mention, yum? 🙂

Also, for anyone who cannot have cashews, feel free to sub with almond, peanut, or sunflower butter. Any way, you can’t loose.

3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.
3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.

Just check out those gooey and silky smooth insides. It’s like candy heaven. I have always been a sucker for anything chewy and salty sweet, so this beauty landed it’s way on my top healthy go-to recipes that have won my heart.

Three simple steps to making your fudge dreams come true today:

  1. Mix everything together in a food processor.
  2. Spread into a 4″ by 4″ square cake pan and chill in the freezer until you cannot take it anymore and you go running to your baby… a.k.a cashew butter fudge!
  3. Eat this stuff like it’s your job.

Alright, I think you are now properly briefed on the way to have a successful fudge experience. Now, let it begin!

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3 Ingredient Healthy Fudge

Pro tip: For this recipe it’s best to use a 4″ by 4″ square cake pan (found here), but you can also use a small bread or brownie pan. Whatever you have will work!

3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great “pull apart” (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make! Paleo fudge. Best paleo fudge recipe. Best dairy free fudge recipe. Easy fudge recipe Easy chocolate fudge. Paleo dessert ideas. Best paleo snacks. Best paleo desserts. Vegan fudge recipe. Easy vegan fudge recipes. Dairy free dessert ideas.Best cashew butter fudge recipe.

Salted Caramel Cashew Butter Fudge

Creamy 3 ingredient paleo salted caramel cashew butter fudge. Healthy, easy, and has a great "pull apart" (like caramel!)! Store in the freezer for best results and fresh keeping. Silly smooth, paleo, vegan, and easy to make!
Course Dessert
Servings 10 pieces
Prep Time 5 minutes



  1. In a food processor, blend all ingredients (except the salt) until completely smooth.
  2. Line a 4" by 4" square cake pan with parchment paper. Pour the cashew butter into the cake pan and freeze for 1 hour or until solid.
  3. Sprinkle with sea salt flakes, cut, and serve or store in the freezer.

Recipe Notes

For this recipe it is best to use a 4" by 4" square cake pan (found here), but you can also use a small bread or brownie pan. Whatever you have will work!