Paleo Gluten Free

4 Ingredient Berry Vegan Smoothie Bowl

This fresh and vibrant smoothie bowl is dairy free, vegan, and paleo. Made with fresh seasonal blackberries and three other simple ingredients.  This healthy breakfast bowl is a fantastic 5 minute recipe for any day. And topped with fresh summer fruits… yes please!

This summer smoothie bowl has me dreamy eyed. Not going to lie.

Connecting with a like minded community has been a huge blessing of blogging! Hearing these peoples stories about the way whole foods is helping them in their day to day lives gives me thrills of joys! I’m so thankful to be connected with this awesome community and I can’t wait to hear more of how eating clean is changing your world.

Smoothie Time

Ok. So moving on, let’s talk about this crazy awesome smoothie bowl! How rad are those red colors??? Yes, I am a little obsessive about color tones. Probably comes from hours upon hours of editing photos. Either way, I love this bowl full of berry goodness. Blackberry shakes have always been my favorite. Don’t know why just is. The rich flavor from these earthy berries draw me in. This smoothie recipe is incredibly creamy and smooth.

Our garden has been so full of fresh fruit all summer. Then July hits. The good news is, the 100 degree weather we had in April made all the berries come out early and we had gallons of fresh berries early on in the year. Bad new, now they are all gone… boo hoo!!! I had to buy fruit from the grocery store this week (sad face). I definitely miss going out to the garden and picking fresh juicy berries.

Ok, so I’m listening to the movie, William and Kate right now and I have to say, it’s the cutest thing ever! All of the feels. A little peak into my world right now. I am sitting in the kitchen right now, gathered around the table cluttered with veggies and mugs of tea. I’m working on this post while my Mom and best friend and I are having a girls night watching chick flicks. This kind of sappy girl party is most needed. The party snacks are??? Salmon and steamed broccoli, of course! Ha ha. Working from home is not always a party, but tonight I’m working in the midst of one!



Looking for an amazing blender to whip up this smoothie? I love my Blendtec!!!

4 Ingredient Berry Vegan Smoothie Bowl

This fresh and vibrant smoothie bowl is dairy free, vegan, and paleo. Made with fresh seasonal blackberries and three other simple ingredients. Topped with fresh summer fruits, this healthy breakfast bowl is a fantastic 5 minute recipe for any day.
Course Main Dish
Servings 2 servings
Prep Time 5 minutes


Optional Toppings


  1. Combine all of the ingredients for the smoothie in a blender and blend until completely smooth.
  2. Top your smoothie with fresh fruit to your taste.